National Scholarship

  • 2014 Scholarship Winner: Eric Uribe, Omicron Chapter
  • 2015 Scholarship Winners: Gerardo Lorenzo, Alpha Beta Chapter and Edwin Gonzalez, Kappa Chapter
  • 2016 Scholarship Winners: Christian Cayetano, Chi Chapter and Austin Rivera, Founding Chapter
  • 2017 Scholarship Winner: Charlie Morales, Lambda Chapter

Scholarship Deadlines

One (1) to three (3) NAK National scholarships will be awarded at the NAA’s Founders Ball on February 26, 2022. Your application must be submitted by midnight Sunday, February 13, 2022.

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply

  • Must be a full time undergraduate or graduate student at a university.
  • Undergraduate and graduate brothers must have a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Must demonstrate a personal history of leadership and community involvement
  • Must have a history and future plans to being active within NAK
  • Must submit an unofficial transcript with the application
  • It is not a requirement for brothers to be active to apply. Actives and non-active brothers will be considered.
  • Must submit a résumé

Provide a personal statement (1000 words max) that addresses the following:

NAK Involvement: Describe your involvement as a NAK, how you uphold our 3 pillars, future career aspirations, and plans you envision for NAA both short and long term.

Challenging Circumstances

Describe your personal background and any challenging family or personal circumstance (e.g., a disability or medication condition, a family deportation, serving as a caregiver for a younger sibling) that affected your achievement or participation in school, work, or community activities. Tell us what you did to overcome these circumstances and what you learned in the process.

Notification & Payment

  • Applicants will be notified on or before February 20, 2022.
  • The Award Ceremony will take place at the NAA’s Founders Ball on February 26, 2022.
  • Payment will be made directly to the student by check in the mail.

To apply, please submit your application below

NAK National Scholarship 2022 application link. Sign in with your NAKinc email address.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this scholarship, please contact NAA Director Of Scholarship Carmelo Miranda directly at [email protected].