Arreola Family Award

  • 2014 Scholarship Winner: Orlando Villa, Eta Chapter
  • 2015 Scholarship Winner: Jorje Cruz, Kappa Chapter
  • 2016 Scholarship Winner: Raul Enciso, Lambda Chapter
  • 2017 Scholarship Winners: Luis Aguirre, Xi Chapter | Miguel Heredia, Alpha Chapter | Abel Morelos, Psi Chapter | Edwin Gonzalez, Kappa Chapter
  • 2019 Scholarship Winners: Johnny Pascual, Lambda Chapter | Rogelio Espinoza, Beta Chapter | Luis Martinez, Beta Chapter
  • 2021 Scholarship Winners: Alejandro Arellano, Chi Chapter | Moises Alvarado Garcia, Tau Chapter | Saul Salinas, Epsilon Chapter
  • 2024 Scholarship Winners: Joel Santiago , Iota Chapter | Kaiden Mejia-Amaya, Omicron Chapter | 

Scholarship Deadlines TBA

Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity will award the Arreola Family Award for Student Excellence to one-to-three undergraduate or graduate Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity Brothers who display outstanding academic achievement, leadership and contributions to society.


The Arreola Family Award is a gift made by the Arreola Family in honor of Marin F. Arreola and Carmen H. Arreola; the Grandfather and Grandmother of NAK Founding Fathers Antonio V. Arreola, Marin A. Arreola, Nicolas V. Arreola, Gabriel Z. Arreola, Enrique V. Arreola, Ricardo A. Arreola and NAK Brothers Manuel Z. Arreola, Alejandro V. Arreola, and Agustin V. Arreola.

The Arreola Family Award represents the core values of the Arreola family: Family, Ethics, Knowledge, Perseverance, Justice, Balance and Community Involvement.

The Arreola Family Award will be awarded to up to 3 students for the spring 2024 semester.

The award will be given to brothers that upholds Nu Alpha Kappa’s pillars of Academics, Brotherhood, and Culture. Consideration will be given to brothers who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership, and community volunteerism.

In addition, special attention will be given to those brothers that are from a rural community or have a family history in farming and/or are actively involved in NAK’s Executive Board. The Arreola Family Award is different than the NAK National scholarships in that the requirements are higher & the review process is more stringent.


Your application must be submitted by midnight Friday, January 26, 2024.


  • Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student who has attended the university for at least three quarters or two semesters (1 academic year).
  • Undergraduate brothers must have a GPA of 2.9 Graduate brothers must have a GPA of 3.2.
  • Must have been active within NAK for at least one year.
  • It is not a requirement for brothers to be active to apply. Actives and inactive brothers will be considered.
  • Must submit an unofficial transcript with the application.
  • Must submit a resume.
  • In addition, special attention will be give to those brothers who are from a rural community or have a family history in farming and/or are actively involved in NAK’s Executive Board.

Provide a supplemental personal statement that addresses the following:

  1. How has NAK benefited from your service?
  2. How has your college community benefited from your service?
  3. How has the larger community benefited from your leadership and service?
  4. How has volunteer service affected you? What have you learned?
  5. Describe barriers, if any, you have had to overcome to obtain your college degree.
  6. Do you consider your self a leader? Why or why not?
  7. What are your educational goals and career interests after graduation and how will your occupation benefit society at large?
  8. NAK Goals: What future plans do you envision for the NAA both short term and long term?

Notification & Payment

  • Applicants will be notified on or before February 17, 2024.
  • Payment will be made directly to the student by check in the mail.

To apply, please submit your application here.

Sign in with your NAKinc or Google email address.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this scholarship, please contact NAA Director of Scholarship directly at  [email protected].