
2nd Annual

NAK Alumni Scholarship Tournamet

Last Day to Register - May 18th

NAK Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament Saturday June 8th, 2024
Mountain Meadows Golf Course in Pomona, CA
Four Person Best Ball | 18 Holes


- Returning Player Early Bird Special: $145, Two-some: $290, Four-some: $580

- New Player Early Bird Special: $155, Two-some: $310, Four-some: $620

- March 1st - March 31st: $165, Two-some: $330, Four-some: $660

- April 1st - April 30th: $175, Two-some: $350, Four-some: $700

- May 1st - May 18th: $185, Two-some: $370, Four-some: $740 (Last day to register is Saturday May 18th)



Red $250White $500Bronze $1,000
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Next Years Sponsorship PackageBranded VIP Tent at Entrance
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NAA Newsletter
Outgoing Press Releases
Next Years Sponsorship Package


Scan the QR code, then login to your banking app to pay

National Alumni Association of Nu Alpha Kappa, [email protected]